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Sask Lotteries Guidelines

The Saskatchewan Lotteries Community Grant Program is a partnership among Sask. Sport Inc., Sask. Culture Inc. and the Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association Inc. The grants program assists in the development of sports, culture and recreation programs by providing funds to non-profit community organizations operated by volunteers.

The Saskatchewan Lotteries Community Grant Program is guided by the following:

  • It provides access to sport, culture, and recreation activities for all Saskatchewan people regardless of age, sex, ethnicity, economic status, physical or mental ability.
  • It provides funds to community non-profit volunteer organizations in support of sport, culture, and recreation programs.
  • It allows communities to establish local priorities; and
  • It stipulates that all participating groups, from administration to beneficiary, are responsible for ensuring complete and accurate accounting.

The goal of the program is to get people involved in sport, culture, and recreation activities by enabling communities to address the needs of local residents.

A portion of the total grant must be used for programs aimed at increasing participation for under-represented populations within your community.

Examples include Indigenous people, seniors, women, youth at risk, economically disadvantaged, persons with a disability, and single-parent families.

The under-represented requirement can be met by including under-represented populations in regular programs and/or by creating special programs to meet their needs.

To be eligible for funding, groups and organizations must be a non-profit group recognized by the Adjudication Committee as providing cultural, recreation or sport services to the residents of the City of North Battleford. Normally, the majority of the group membership will be residents of the City of North Battleford or the Rural Municipality of North Battleford.

  • Expenditures must be directly related to the delivery of a sport, culture, or recreation program.
  • Operation costs of facilities that are directly related to a program are eligible for 25% of the total grant received for each program up to a maximum of $500 per program (including cleaning staff). Communities receiving a grant of $2,000 or less will not be limited to 25% of the grant for operational costs of facilities. If needed, the entire grants can be used for these expenses; however, nonoperational program costs are encouraged to enhance programming.
  • Fireworks are eligible for 25% of the total grant received for each program up to a max of $500 per program.
  • Communities receiving a grant of more than $2,000 are required to identify in the follow-up report that a minimum of 30% of the grant was used to support programs directed at under-represented populations.
  • Communities are responsible to ensure that appropriate liability and participant’s insurance is in place for events sponsored/funded by the Community Grant Program.
  • Groups receiving grants must publicly acknowledge Saskatchewan Lotteries within their activities.
  • An application for purchase of equipment will receive a maximum of $2,000.
  • The Adjudication Committee expects groups to contribute to the project as well. A general guideline would be that self-help should cover at least 50% of the project.
  • A workshop or clinic type project will receive a maximum assistance of $500 for adults and $800 for youth programs. The grant will only cover deficits up to the maximum amounts.
  • City Schools and institutions will be eligible for a maximum grant of $700. Notwithstanding, the Adjudication Committee may consider a second application in the same grant year, if it can be demonstrated that the activity or purchase, for which additional funding is requested, will benefit the community as a whole.

The program is designed to provide funding for sport, culture, and recreation programs. Therefore, the following expenditures are INELIGIBLE for grants:

  • Construction, renovation, retrofit and repairs to buildings/facilities (this includes fixing doors, shingling roofs, installing flooring, moving/hauling dirt, etc.).
  • Property taxes, insurance.
  • Alcoholic beverages.
  • Per Diems/Day Money
  • Food or food related costs (this includes catering supplies, coffee pots, coffee, BBQs, etc.).
  • Membership fees in other lottery-funded organizations.
  • Prizes, cash, gifts, awards, honorariums, trophies, plaques, and badges.
  • Subsidization of wages for full-time employees. NOTE: Eligible employment expenditures must by no more than 35 hours a week and no more than 90 days in a grant period (or 455 hours in a grant period; and
  • Uniforms or personal items such as sweatbands and hats.
  • Maintenance and operation costs of facilities that are not directly related to a program supported by this grant (this includes cleaning staff, telephone services charges, etc.).
  • Out of province activities and travel

Groups must complete the Community Grant Application Form and submit it to the Adjudication Committee prior to the application due date. Retroactive funding for the project will not be considered, nor will the Committee assume any liability for projects that have not been approved. Review and approval of the applications will only include those for that period, except for the noted condition. We recognize that on occasion, your event or project will be set to begin during the delay period between the due date and the application review date. If this is the case, please include your application in the previous period, and it will be reviewed early.

Applications may be submitted any time prior to the submission due date, but will only be reviewed at the meeting scheduled for that period.

Reminder: A new application cannot be submitted without the final report of the last application being submitted and approved for payment. All final reports are due 60 days after the end of your funded event or project. Late submissions will not be approved for fund disbursement.

  • Projects are to be open to all interested people in the City.
  • Projects will only receive funding if financial need is proven by way of an event budget.
  • Projects must not duplicate existing programs.
  • Project events must take place within the boundaries of the City of North Battleford and area.
  • Preference will be given to organizations that have not received funding through the program before or accessed via another application elsewhere.
  • Organizations can receive funding for projects in succeeding years, however, the funding level may be decreased if the Committee so determines.
  • Recognition must be given to “Saskatchewan Lotteries” for funding assistance in all advertising pertaining to the project.
  • All projects must be completed by March 31 of the current grant year.
  • Any group that submits an application requesting $1,500 or more are required to have representatives attend an Adjudication Committee meeting.
  • All project applications over $2,000 must include a copy of the Organization’s financial statement from the most recent fiscal year

Recreation Advisory Committee

Youth Representation

We are now accepting application for the revised Recreation Advisory Committee. The Committee will provide information and advice to the City on matters related to youth that intersect recreation and cultural programs and services of the City.

The goal of this committee is to get people involved in sports, culture, and recreational activities by enabling non-profit organizations to address the needs of fellow residents. A portion of grant funds must be used for programs that increase participation for under-represented people within our community.

Some under-represented groups may include:

  • Indigenous people
  • Seniors
  • Women
  • Youth at risk
  • Economically disadvantaged
  • Persons with a disability
  • Single-parent families

If you are interested in applying for a Sask Lotteries Grant, review this useful information to guide your application:



Tuesday, April 16, 2024

  • Application deadline: April 3, 2024

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

  • Application deadline: June 5, 2024

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

  • Application deadline: September 18, 2024

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

  • Application deadline: January 4, 2025

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