RFQ - Asphalt Cold Pour Crack Filling Project
The intent of this request is to select a qualified Contractor who has the experience and knowledge in supply and application of cold pour filling material for the Territorial Drive and other asphalt pavement surface. The qualified Contractor shall supply all labour, materials, supplies, equipment, tools, and supervision to safely fill the cracks in the hot asphalt pavement surfaces.
The City of North Battleford 2025 budget has $100,000 funds to hire a private company to supply labour and material for the application of cold pour crack filling on Territorial Drive and possible other locations within the City. The proposed key work area shall be Territorial Drive as shown on Appendix C, however, other asphalt roads may be included depending on the Project Coordinator discretion and remaining funds in the cold crack fill budget. If further funds are required, the Contractor shall contact the Project Coordinator and get the City’s permission before proceeding with the work. The selected Contractor will consult with the Project Coordinator as to where the work will start, and the roads to be completed.
All work is to be completed by September 15, 2025.
To view the Invitation to Tender full details on SaskTenders, select North Battleford as the Organization type and press search.
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City Hall
1291-101st Street P.O. Box 460
North Battleford, SK S9A 2Y6