Public Notice - Bylaw 2174 is proposed to amend the OCP
Public notice is hereby given, Pursuant to Section 29(2) of The Planning and Development Act, 2007, that the City of North Battleford is considering a bylaw to amend the Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 1970 (OCP) as hereinafter provided.
Bylaw 2174 is proposed to amend the OCP, which forms part of the Bylaw No. 1970, as follows:
The proposed OCP amendment would:
1) clarify that the Zoning Bylaw may allow certain forms of residential development within, and/or in conjunction with, a principal business use in the Commercial, Industrial, or Mixed-Use Zoning Districts;
2) remove the policy restriction on limiting major office and financial institution developments to the downtown;
3) introduce policy to encourage downtown (re)development through incentivization; and,
4) correct a subsection heading numbering error.
Affected Lands
Lands within the Downtown, Regional, and Arterial Commercial land use areas, as shown on this City’s OCP Future Land Use Concept Map (Map 1), would be affected by the proposed amendment as it relates to policy guidance for allowable land uses in these areas which are implemented by a number of Commercial Districts under the City’s Zoning Bylaw.
A copy of the OCP is available at the following web address and the Future Land Use Concept Map can be found on page 74 of this document at
Reason for Amendment
Multiple inquiries have been received by the City with respect to allowing a wider variety of uses in several district, potentially allowing residential and additional commercial uses in C1 (Downtown Commercial), C3 (Arterial Commercial), C3A (Large Lot Arterial Commercial), C4 (Regional Commercial) and M1, (Light Industrial) Districts.
The proposed amendment will allow the City flexibility to enact changes to the Zoning bylaw to allow additional uses in the identified commercial districts with the intent to encourage development.
Limited residential uses, generally but not exclusively, in the form of discretionary accessory business dwellings, are currently allowable in the MU - Mixed-Use District, a number of Commercial Districts, and in the M1 and M2 Industrial Districts without clear policy guidance.
Policy amendments would be required to allow for the addition of certain other uses in the Zoning Bylaw. Subsequent Zoning Bylaw amendments and separate public engagement would be required to allow for the introduction of new uses within these Zoning Districts which may be pursued at a future time.
Bylaw Inspection
The proposed bylaw amendment may be inspected in the following ways:
1) City of North Battleford website
2) Office of the City Clerk - City Hall, 1291-101st Street, North Battleford, SK Monday through Friday, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
3) Phone call or email requesting a copy, to be emailed from the contacts listed below
Public Hearing
A Public Hearing will be held by the Council on March 24, 2025, in the Council Chambers, Room 107 Don Ross Community Center, 891 99th Street. Council will hear representations from any person or group of persons or person acting on their behalf.
Requests to make a presentation at the Public Hearing respecting the proposed Bylaw must be received by the Office of the City Clerk on or before 4:30 PM March 13, 2025, to be placed on the Agenda. Any request to make a presentation on this matter after this date and time will be at the discretion of Council.
Representations may also be made in writing and must be received by the Office of the City Clerk on or before 4:30 PM March 13, 2025, to be placed on the Agenda for the Public Hearing. Any written representations received after this date and time will be provided to Council at the start of the Public Hearing.
For more information:
Gary Fung, Junior Planner Presley Peterson, Junior Planner
City of North Battleford City of North Battleford
306-445-1710 306-445-1798
Issued at the City of North Battleford this 20th day of February, 2025.
Stacey Hadley – City Clerk – City of North Battleford
Contact Us
City Hall
1291-101st Street P.O. Box 460
North Battleford, SK S9A 2Y6