New traffic lights on Territorial Drive to begin operating today
The City of North Battleford is advising motorists and the general public that new traffic lights will be functioning this morning on Territorial Drive.
The new traffic lights, located at the entrance point to Sobey’s and the Discovery Co-op Mall, are set to go live before lunchtime today. This is part of the large-scale Territorial Drive Expansion Project that began in September 2022. The project also included changes to lane layouts, curbing, paving, and enhanced accessibility improvements at the Territorial Drive and 100th Street/Highway 4 intersection.
Contractor unavailability and supply chain issues, specifically for new traffic light implements, led to project delays. Traffic lane marking is the remaining final component and should be completed by summer.
The Territorial Drive Expansion Project remains on budget as outlined in the 2022 fiscal year and is 85 percent funded [$680,000] by a provincial government grant. The remaining $120,000 is being funded through the City’s Capital Reserves.
For more information:
Candace Toma, Public & Intergovernmental Relations Coordinator
306-441-0713 |
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1291-101st Street P.O. Box 460
North Battleford, SK S9A 2Y6