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Business Licences

All businesses and individuals operating or selling in the City of North Battleford must have a valid Business License. We issue Business Licenses annually, from January 1 to December 31. Once you receive your license, it must be displayed prominently at your place of business.

Payment options

Schedule "A" to Bylaw No. 1100,

Business licence fees


All fees set out below are annual fees and except for those marked with an asterisk (*) where licenses are issued on or after October 1 in any year shall be subject to a licence fee equal to 50% of the annual fee. Those licence fees in categories identified with an asterisk (*) shall not be reduced regardless of the date of purchase.

Day care/nursery school: $130.00

Personal care: $265.00

Resident: $70

Non-resident: $265.00

$0.01 to $0.25 machines: $15.00

$0.26 to $1.00 machines: $35.00

Machines over $1.000: $70.00

Resident - home based: $265.00

Resident - commercial premises: $130.00

Non-resident: $400.00

Non-resident (special fee): $205.00

Carnival - per ride or concession: $70.00

Circus: $1,100.00

Resident: $70.00

Non-resident: $130.00

Dray service - resident: $265.00

Dray service - non-resident: $400.00

Tow truck: $265.00

Ice cream truck: $265.00

Ice cream bicycle - resident: $35.00

Ice cream bicycle - non-resident: $70.00

Handyman/repairman: $205.00

Subcontractor - resident: $265.00

Subcontractor - non-resident: $525.00

General contractor - resident: $400.00

General contractor - non-resident: $770.00

Resident - with required Provincial direct sellers licence: $35.00

Resident - not requiring Provincial direct sellers licence: $25.00

Non-resident - with required Provincial direct sellers licence: $275.00

Non-resident - not requiring Provincial direct sellers licence: $65.00

Per year: $130.00

Per event: $70.00

Per year: $265.00

Per location: $660.00

Per panel: $55.00

Public halls - $0.10/square foot of floor space to a maximum of: $395.00

Chimney sweep: $130.00

Garden tilling/lawn care: $130.00

Snow removal: $130.00

Non-resident: $265.00

Resident - per event: $345.00

Non-resident - per day: $330.00

Non-resident - per week: $1,300.00

Taxi-cab per car: $130.00

Taxi-cab per van: $205.00

Limousine service: $265.00

Driver training instructor: $130.00

General merchandise - per day: $330.00

General merchandise - per year: $1,155.00

Fish, fruit, produce - per day: $130.00

Fish, fruit, produce -  per year: $800.00

Business license information

Any businesses or individuals operating or selling within the City of North Battleford need a valid Business License.

All applications for home based businesses must be considered as a Type I or Type II Home Based Business. The development standards for Type I and Type II home based businesses can be found in our Zoning Bylaw. All new home based businesses need a development permit. If the business owner does not own the property, please provide a signed property owner approval letter.

If your business is moving locations, you will need to contact the City of North Battleford and you may require a development permit.

Business Licenses can only be transferred if the business is being taken over while still operating and there is no change in name or address. There is a fee of $25.00 to transfer.

Trade and craft shows will require only one license for the event.

If you are no longer operating or selling within the City of North Battleford and would like to cancel your business license, please contact City Hall.

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